Jesse Ventura是美國前明尼蘇達州州長,曾任美國海軍的水下爆破部隊,是著名的專業摔跤手和荷里活演員,亦曾擔任電台和電視台的節目主持人,是向美國公眾揭露各種政治陰謀,包括聯邦儲備局的陰謀,使美國實行軍法統治的陰謀、疫苗陰謀等等。
Jesse Ventura - Secret Underground 2012 Base at Denver Airport
Denver International Airport is the largest international airport in the United States, and the second largest international airport in the world. However, its most notable features are concealed beneath ground level, including an inaccessible 88.5 square mile base buried 150 feet underground, and five large underground "storage buildings" which are mysteriously undergoing intermittent construction, are strikingly resemblant of Nazi underground detention camps, and are inexplicably interconnected via a complex tunnel system. The tunnel system is equipped with an ominous sprinkler system which was deliberately installed for an yet an undisclosed purpose. Queen Elizabeth II, has purchased property nearby under a different alias.
其實,美國建立多個大小不同的地下保壘,是為了讓精英躲避Planet X逼近時所帶來的災難!
在2009年8月,Jesse Ventura在TruTV主持一個名為Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura的節目,當中曾訪問不同的專業人士,這些專業人士都為美國政府和私人公司,因著2012年的來臨,分別建立多個大小不同的地下保壘。
Jesse Ventura - Secret Underground 2012 Base at Denver Airport
2012‧真相 ~美國丹佛機場秘密地下地堡 More information about Secret Underground Survival Condo at Denver Airport for 2012 Planet X
2012, 2012榮耀盼望, 七年大災難, 世界末日, 主再來, 地下保壘, 地下城, 地下堡壘, 地堡, 美國丹佛機場, 啟示錄, 第十行星, Nibiru, Planet X
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